Sunday, March 11, 2012

Caroline & Ethan

Caroline and Ethan are two of my creations done in College. As any typical brother/sister relationship they are always at each other throats, however have there moment that they can live in harmony. 
Caroline is a lot less agile and energetic as Ethan. Curious and uses charms to get her way, Caroline is also naive and chooses any moment to debate with her brother to prove a point, even if she is wrong. When never getting her way, Caroline then appears as a clumsy, fragil sweet girl, in which her ponytail oddly twists and turns to match her constant change in personality. Caroline also has an eye for details and discovering new things.
Ethan tries to be the charmer, flashing a smile at the girls but fails miserbly when Caroline calls him out or suceeds at making a fool of him. Despite his sister's mischievious behavior when around, Ethan doesn't have a problem fighting back against her. Ethan is a "Think first, questions later" guy although sometimes lands himself in akward situations where he ends up fighting off his younger sister's punches.

A before and after of Caroline and Ethan.